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Sunday, April 4, 2010

Q: What's better than a full-body massage?

A: Nothing

(pause) Let me think about that again ... umm ... ahh ... nope, I still stand firm. There is n.o.t.h.i.n.g better, except a full-body massage from a really, really great therapist such as JENNI CURTIS.

I met Jenni at 24 Hour Fitness in Salt Lake. We are both die hard SCULPT (9:15 a.m.) and SPIN (10:15 a.m.) attendees every Monday morning. Yeah, you heard right. That's TWO classes back-to-back e.v.e.r.y Monday! Crazy? Nope. I love these classes (with expert fitness instructor Denise Druce). Besides, consistent exercise at the gym makes my brain feel soooooooooooooooo much better.

Not only is Jenni a workout and outdoor enthusiasts - she bikes and boards (I confess a personal jealousy towards her guns - I'm referring to her biceps, by the way), but Jenni is a really, really great massage therapist. And she reviewed my book on her blog!

Click HERE to read Jenni's blog/review.

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