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Monday, July 27, 2009

PUBLISHING: so close I can smell it.

Today I received my "proof" book in the mail. Check it. Check it. Check it. That's what I've been working on. I found two formatting errors, so NOW I have to WAIT for the publisher to fix it and then my dream will become a reality.

After five short, little memoir will be available for purchase! I'm so excited - I love the front cover and the back cover. It's bright yellow - which at first I couldn't stand but now I think it's perfect, and reminds me of a smiley face sticker. Bright. Happy. Smiley. Positive. I wonder if you'll think my book is positive. Please let me know! Check my blog or website for the official announcement, which is just days away!

1 comment:


I'm like a kid in a candy store waiting for your book to be officially finished. I want an autographed copy.