Check out

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I love

For everything you ever wanted to know about Traumatic Brain Injury, check out

I love this website! Why? Because it's sooo well done.

Professional. Informative. Newsworthy.

It has four sections:
1. TBI Basics
2. For People with TBI
3. For Family and Friends
4. For Professionals

It includes links to personal stories (where you will find a link to "The Smile on My Forehead: Memoir of My Life With a Brain Injury". How cool is that?)


Dennis & Jodi said...

I love Brainline too and I follow on Twitter and FB... sigh maybe I am a bit obsessive compulsive?! ☺

Dennis & Jodi said...

OH and btw... i do read your blog. it is somewhere i can read and understand that I am not alone with my son and his own 'issues'.
thanks for blogging!