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Friday, October 2, 2009

Jennifer Mosher is ecstatic (I won I won I won)!

Thank you to everyone who ordered my book during the month of September because I entered the Lulu Sales Contest (the top three sellers of the month are recognized).

And guess what people? While waiting to exit my airplane seat, after a long-bumpy-I-feel-like-I'm-going-to-barf ride to Minnesota, I checked my email and almost flipped when I read the subject: CONGRATULATIONS FROM LULU.COM! The message inside said "You've won third place in the Lulu Author's Sales Contest!"

I don't know how many authors entered this contest or how many the other winners sold, but I WON I WON I WON (okay, third place is not really "winning" I guess, but I choose to revel in the moment!)

I'm going to send them a photo of me holding my book so they can post it on their website in conjunction with announcing September contest winners. My self-promotional marketing tour has begun!!!

1 comment:


Congratulations! Have a great time in Minnesota.