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Friday, January 2, 2009

My memoir is practically complete!

New Year's Day I stayed in my pajamas all day, and did not leave the house (yeah, that's right, and I'm not at all ashamed to admit it)!

BUT I FINISHED MY BOOK! Of course I do have a few more things to do:
  1. Dr. Russo will review it for clarity
  2. Deirdre will do the same
  3. I approve the front and back cover design
  4. Lulu calculates cost
  5. Send it to the press and voila YOU CAN BUY IT ONLINE OR FROM ME IN PERSON
Please note: if you'd like to be contacted when my book becomes available for purchase, please email and ask to be added to my distribution list

1 comment:

April and Jacque said...

That is so cool- I would love a copy. For some reason I can't e-mail to g-mail. My yahoo account is not compatible with it, and I get the mail sent back to me.
So, remember me!
It was good to talk to you the other day. Is your hair long now?