Dad: Hi Jennifer? Jennifer Mosher? This is your dad . . . in Minneapolis (insert laughter) .
Me: Yeah Dad, it's me! (insert eye roll)
* * *
This is always how my dad and I start our phone conversations (read pg. 79 in my book for another example) and tonight was no different. It's kind of silly that we've been doing this for years - ha ha ha. Anyway, I don't know why I started with that other than it came to my mind as I just got off the phone with my dad. As usual, Dad made an insightful and somewhat philosophical comment . . . this time about recovering from a Traumatic Brain Injury.
He's been reading a lot about the healing capabilities of yoga and meditation. I practice a lot of yoga (maybe "a lot" is not the best word since I usually only make it to a class twice per week. However, let it be known that I am a committed gym-goer, and I do faithfully attend some sort of fitness class 4 times per week). Dad read about a film called
Spiritual Revolution (all about the healing powers of meditation). Daniel Davis, who contributed to the film, was also the Activities Coordinator with the Jan Berry Center For The Brain Injured. I don't know much about Mr. Davis' practices, besides the fact that he began developing mindfulness, drumming and other creative practices for people with serious brain trauma.
So, then my dad asked my thoughts on why I've done so well in my recovery.
Luck? Medication? Vitamins? Studying books about Brain Injury?AND this is where he made the insightful and somewhat philosophical comment. He said,
"It's like anything else. You have to work at it to get better." Then he threw in the golf analogy (if you know my dad, you know that in his earlier life, he was obsessed with golf and did anything he could to improve his game).
"It's like golf. If you want to become a better golfer, you have to constantly practice."
I think he's right (don't tell him I said that)! Recovery from a Traumatic Brain Injury is a lifelong endeavor. It doesn't happen over night and it takes a lot of hard work. Which reminds me of a favorite quote from Maya Angelou (also in my book on page 93):
Nothing will work unless you do.